Top Tens – TV: Top 10 TV Series (3) Spartacus





(3) SPARTACUS (2010-2013)



That’s not an actual quote, but I couldn’t resist evoking the film 300, obviously a major influence on it. Spartacus – my other Game of Thrones before Game of Thrones, except with even more oiled loins.

A very graphic, very violent, very sweary and very sexually explicit series produced by Sam Raimi (of Evil Dead fame, as well as Hercules and Xena – Lucy Lawless herself appears in it) – so something for everyone, although it takes a couple of episodes to grow into itself (with the first episode in particular appearing as a cheesy knock-off from 300).

And the mother of all lines, especially memorable when your own mother quotes it back at you after you introduced the series to her – “neither coin nor c***” (with the latter four-letter c-word being what you’d expect). It sure stuck in my mind after that. Thanks, Mum! In fairness, she loved the series, although she quoted that back to me as one of the more eyebrow-raising lines of the series. (Her comparison of manipulative hot slice of crazy Ilithyia to my ex-wife also stuck in my mind).

Obviously the series adapts the story of the historical gladiator-turned-rebel leader Spartacus, “but drenched in an over-the-top aesthetic lifted directly from 300” – each episode is chock full of slow-motion fight scenes, in-your-face blood spatters and explicit sex.

Are you not entertained?




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