Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Books (Special Mention: New Entry) (20) Catherine Johns – S€x or Symbol: Er0tic Images of Greece & Rome






It is one of my rules in my top tens to throw in a kinky entry amidst my wilder special mentions, usually as my final (twentieth) special mention, at least where the subject matter permits.

And here it certainly does – it is not surprising given how large sexuality looms in human biology that it similarly looms large in our mythology.

I remember in high school that it was a running gag among my friends of drawing d!cks in each other’s textbooks, kind of like the end credits of the 2007 film Superbad. Juvenile, yes I know, or rather adolescent.

The Greeks and Romans were a lot like that – they had art of d!cks everywhere. Well, erotic art in general, but mostly a lot of d!cks. And no, we’re not just talking the ubiquitous nudity of classical art – we’re talking hardcore d!cks, literally in the sense of what is termed ithyphallic.

So much so that when Victorians – the prissy British of the historical Victorian period that is, not the residents of the Australian state – collected classical art in galleries or museums, they found themselves inundated by d!cks, like my high school textbooks or those Superbad end credits, which they then hid in restricted sections or basements.

And these were mythic d!cks! No, seriously – “many had a religious and apotropaic function”. Apotropaic, as in good luck charms or warding off evil, because nothing does that like a d!ck, albeit often depicted with wings or feet. We’re talking things like herms, statues with male genitalia used as boundary or crossroad markers, often invoking the (phallic) god Hermes or Mercury.

And this book has the extensive images of Greek or Roman art to prove it. Like looking through my high school textbooks…




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