Top Tens – Miscellany: Top 10 Youtube (Special Mention) (20) KiwiAnzu

Youtube channel banner as at 9 May 2024


(20) KIWIANZU (NZ 2023)


My most recent Youtube discovery – a channel that only started up in 2023 and one that has yet to acquire the number of subscribers it deserves.

It gets my subscription for its skewering of the Rings of Power, episode by episode – which apart from a video about the Netflix live adaptation of One Piece, is its entire oeuvre to date. And one might think well-deserved and poetic revenge by New Zealand on behalf of the Jackson film trilogy to the interloping series that sought to desecrate it.





Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Mancy (Special Mention) (20) Nymphomancy

Theatrical release poster art by Boris Vallejo for National Lampoon’s Vacation (Warner Bros 1983) spoofing the trope of the Conan pose or leg cling and evoking the spirit of nymphomancy – certainly Chevy Chase seems to be something of a nymphomancer for Christie Brinkley in the film




Bow Chicka Wow Wow

Yes – I am a nymphomancer. No – I refuse to elaborate. I’ve already said too much.

For mine is the adventurous bed and questing beast, deus sex machina and hieros gamos.

And yes – it is part of my rule in my top tens to throw in a kinky entry amidst my wilder special mentions, usually as my final (twentieth) special mention, at least where the subject matter permits.

Although seriously, there is quite a bit of justification for sex in divination or magic – and even more potential for it in fantasy. I mean, I’m pretty sure I could adapt most of Dungeons and Dragons to nymphomancy.



Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Mythologies (Special Mention) (20) Tantra

Samantabhadra (Ever-Perfect One) or (Tibetan) Kuntuzangpo, Tibet, early 20th century – part of the tantric art exhibit Honored Father-Honored Mother, Trammell & Margaret Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas, Texas, photographed by Joe Mabel and licensed under




The jewel in the lotus!

Two words – sex magic. Or sex zen as I like to call it.

Well at least in the popular perception of tantra (originating in Hinduism and Buddhism), including my own – that’s pretty much what most people see or know it as, although that perception would be more accurate to the reconstruction of it by modern western writers often styled as neo-tantra.

Authentic tantra would appear to be much deeper than that – “the creation and history of the world; the names and functions of a great variety of male and female deities and other higher beings; the types of ritual worship (especially of goddesses); magic, sorcery, and divination; esoteric “physiology” (the mapping of the subtle or psychic body); the awakening of the mysterious serpent power (kundalinî-shakti); techniques of bodily and mental purification; the nature of enlightenment; and not least, sacred sexuality.” And of course such popularized concepts as chakra, mantra and mandala.

However, this entry is intended to be representative of sex magic or sexuality in mythology and religion in general – for which I sometimes use tantra in a much broader (and wildly inaccurate) sense. It’s also intended as the kinkier entry I aim for as my twentieth (and final) special mention!



Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Books (Special Mention) (20) Encyclopedia of Erotic Wisdom

Inner Traditions, 1st edition




It is part of my rule in my top tens to throw in a kinky entry amidst my wilder special mentions, usually as my final (twentieth) special mention, at least where the subject matter permits.

And here it certainly does – it is not surprising given how large sexuality looms in human biology that it similarly looms large in our mythology.

The subtitle of the original version of this alphabetical reference book by Rufus Camphausen says it all – “A Reference Guide to the Symbolism, Techniques, Rituals, Sacred Texts, Psychology, Anatomy, and History of Sexual Sexuality”. As indeed does the subtitle of the later version – “From Aphrodisiacs and Ecstasy to Yoni Worship and Zap-Lam Yoga”.




Top Tens – Miscellany: Top 10 Youtube (Special Mention) (19) Hatewatchers

Youtube channel banner as at 8 May 2024




“Here at HateWatchers we have a simple goal to let you, the fans, know if the current movies & shows put out are worth your time; and to have a little fun while doing it. Let us do the hate watching for you.”


“From Star Wars to Game of Thrones, from Lord of the Rings to Marvel, we do comedy reviews of any TV show or movie that’s in the culture & entertainment headlines. Through our comedy review & breakdown of new episodes, we’ll let you know if the show or movie is a GreatWatch or a HateWatch.”


I discovered this channel through its hatewatching of The Rings of Power – a TV series it was only possible to watch with hate, at least to keep watching it to the end.


However, as the channel bio states, it watches TV series or films with both praise and criticism. And with weekly updates as well as monthly roundups, it’s a good overview of recent pop culture offerings even if you don’t agree with their opinions.




Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Mancy (Special Mention) (19) Neuromancy

Neuromancer by William Gibson – cover art by Josan Gonzalez (Deathburger) for the Brazilian edition in 2016 (and French edition in 2020)




“What’s your name? Your Turing code. What is it?”
“Neuromancer…Neuro from the nerves, the silver paths. Romancer. Necromancer”.

I didn’t make this one up – the godfather of cyberpunk, William Gibson, did.

Well, technically, he only made up Neuromancer for the title (and titular character) of his landmark 1984 book, but I can’t compile a top ten and special mentions for -mancy without featuring it.

Neuromancer is an AI, in the SF superintelligence sense but neuromancy might well be regarded as the cyberspace hacking that drives the plot and is the forte of the protagonist console cowboy.

Or think the Matrix, since the film franchise borrowed much from Neuromancer, including the term matrix. Of course, it’s not actual magic but technology and skill – in Neuromancer at least, not so sure about the Matrix.

As a method of divination or type of magic, it is essentially cybermancy, which in turn is effectively a subset of technomancy narrowed to computers and computing.

Oh – and Neuromancer wasn’t kidding about the necromancer part, metaphorically at least, since it can create sentient copies or simulations of people’s consciousness in cyberspace, potentially persisting beyond the original.




Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Mythologies (Special Mention) (19) Conspiracy Theories

The Eye of Providence – on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and here on the US one-dollar bill




The other modern folklore par excellence – where history meets mythology. Of course, there are conspiracies in history and some of these may be the subject of theories with some documented or factual basis.

It is however important to distinguish between regular theories about conspiracies – and conspiracy theories, that might well be capitalized as Conspiracy Theory for their mythic stature or mythos.

And particularly prone to proliferation by the internet – “conspiracy theories mutate and interbreed almost too fast for humans to track. Any of the theories and sub-theories…can be, and in all likelihood has been, combined with any or all of the others by at least one person. Don’t be surprised if the theory raises more questions than the original incident in the first place. The only thing such theories prove, if anything, is that we’re all too human”.

“Conspiracy theories resist falsification and are reinforced by circular reasoning: both evidence against the conspiracy and an absence of evidence for it are re-interpreted as evidence of its truth”

The definitive conspiracy theory is a theory that proposes that an event or situation “is not as we understand them but really the work of secret cabals of cunning conspirators acting for malicious ends, from merely getting rich to propagating an ideology up to and including world domination”.

Of course, it is when they get to the soaring heights of world domination, or some overarching grand unifying theory of conspiracies, that they are most fascinating to me – with the Illuminati as my favorite.

There are of course a plethora of conspiracy theories – it seems at least one for every significant contemporary event at this point. Enough for their own top ten – in some cases for particular events (hello 9/11 and JFK), or just a number of times over in general, as in my favorite compilation of conspiracy theories, the Greatest Conspiracies of All Time by Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, which went from 50 in its original edition to 80 in its last edition.

One could even have a top ten classifications of conspiracy theories, by broader type – such as conspiracy theories involving aliens, disasters, disinformation, famous people, guns (and shootings), health, history (including ancient history and monuments), law or enforcement, media, new world orders or secret societies, religion, science or technology, wars, and even weather. Hell – one could even just have a top ten parodies of conspiracy theories.

Or a top ten classifications by thematic type, most evocatively those by Jesse Walker – who classifies conspiracy theories as “Enemy Outside”, “Enemy Within”, “Enemy Above”, “Enemy Below”, and “Benevolent Conspiracies”. Or Michael Barkun’s event conspiracy theories, systemic conspiracy theories, and super conspiracy theories.

Or Murray Rothbard – of all people – with his model contrasting deep conspiracy theories to shallow ones, with the latter observing an event and asking cui bono or who benefits, “jumping to the conclusion that a posited beneficiary is responsible for covertly influencing events”.

As Vankin and Whalen lament in their books, conspiracy theories have become pretty lazy these days. Previously, conspiracy theories involved the meticulous, even obsessive, compilation of facts or evidence. Now, it’s mostly along the lines of Rothbard’s shallow conspiracy theories – simply proposing a beneficiary or motive behind any event, which is pretty easy to do, and asserting that as a conspiracy.



Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Books (Special Mention): (19) Legendary Cryptids

Twitter account profile image as at 8 May 2024




As “the biological equivalent of UFO sightings”, cryptids and cryptozoology are another modern mythology par excellence, hence my weird-tier special mention for the Legendary Cryptids X-Twitter account and Youtuber (because it is special mention for what is, after all, my top ten for mythology books).

Legendary Cryptids hasn’t published any books as far as I’m aware – but I anticipate would readily feature any books on cryptids or cryptozoology and has probably compiled enough material for a book.

My personal highlights are the cryptid maps he features for various countries and the ‘iceberg’ memes that in the style of such memes look at increasingly deep or esoteric cryptid lore the further you go below the surface.



Top Tens – Miscellany: Top 10 Youtube (Special Mention) (18) Spectrum

Youtube channel banner as at 7 May 2024




“I do Rome vids mostly”

You have to respect that Youtube channel bio – it doesn’t get much more to the point than that.

Yes – it’s another Youtube history channel. And yes – it does indeed “do Rome vids mostly”.

A personal highlight for me was its ranking of Roman emperors, apparently his most popular video, hence prompting videos for the Byzantine emperors (and the emperors of the western empire before its fall) – and beyond to Portuguese kings (not surprisingly given his country of origin), Spanish kings, Russian tsars, English monarchs, French kings, and Ottoman sultans.

And of course my other personal highlights are its top ten lists – ten underrated Roman emperors, ten worst Roman defeats, and ten reasons the Roman Empire fell – and tier rankings for the performance of combatant nations in both world wars.




Top Tens – Mythology: Top 10 Mancy (Special Mention) (18) Technomancy

Cover art from 2016 video game The Technomancer developed by French video game company Spiders for Playstation




“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

Technomancy is an odd chimera of a beast, given that technology sort of goes against the whole point of magic – technology is functional magic that actually works.

As such, technomancy tends not to be used as divination but a form of magic or other ability that pops up in certain works of fantasy, usually contemporary or urban fantasy in settings with technology, or occasional SF.

Sometimes it is styled as technopathy (or to a lesser extent machine empathy) – “someone who can control machines and bend them to the user’s will, either through a physical or mental interface link. In some cases, this power also allows them to ‘hear’ what a machine is ‘thinking’ and establish a direct line of communication with the machine”.

It could also be used for magic from technology in SF– where technology is used to replicate magic, occasionally in ways unknown to or forgotten by the people using it – or potentially for where magic is used to power what otherwise appears as technology in certain fantasy settings.

Still, there is fun fantasy potential in combining technology with magic. I’d like to imagine it as a form of magic in a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting using relics from a technological past – or flipping it on its head with an anti-technopath, for someone (or something) that is magically destructive to technology.