Top Tens





This is where my obsessive-compulsive hobby of compiling top ten lists for everything takes its final form – my master index of pages by subject for the finished top ten lists, along with any special mentions or honorable mentions.

Of course, the master inde of pages is itself in the form of a top ten (and special mentions) – my top ten of top tens, if you will – because it just wouldn’t be obssessive-compulsive otherwise.














(7) FILM


(8) TV








(1) APOSTLES & SAINTS (apostles of the goddess and saints of pagan catholicism)










And of course I have my top ten rules for top tens:

(1) My top ten entries for the subject category ranked by interest or preference – obviously.

(2) Usually counting down from tenth to first place for longer top tens, typically with tier list rankings (and ratings up to five stars).

(3) Usually twenty special mentions per top ten (where the subject is prolific enough).

(4) Honorable mentions for subjects so prolific they go beyond the top ten and special mentions – typically for books or popular culture and divided into classic or cult and pulp entries.

(5) Longer or shorter form depending on subject – deep dives or shallow dips respectively, although deep dive top tens may switch to shallow dips for special or honorable mentions.

(6) Deep dives or longer form top tens look at individual entries in more depth of themselves, potentially even as subjects of further top tens .

(7) Shallow dips are shorter mentions or top tens on the spot, ranging from their bare numbered entries to a few explanatory lines or so for each entry (and indicated in their index by lower case rather than the upper case used for deep dive top tens).

(8) I tend to reserve tenth place in my top tens for my wildcard entry, which in top tens for books or popular culture where there are new releases each year will usually be the best entry from the present or previous year.

(9) Deep dive top tens or special mentions tend towards iceberg memes – with wilder entries for the subject category the deeper you go, particularly in special mentions.

(10) I tend to throw in a kinky entry among my wilder special mentions, usually as the (final) twentieth special mention, where the subject permits – and you might be surprised what kink I can squeeze out of a given subject.